South Carolina State Flag

A flag is often an amalgam of anecdotes that tell the history of a state.

You will find below the description and explanation for the symbols of the flag of South Carolina.

The flag of South Carolina was adopted on 28 January 1861. It consists of a blue background on which a palm tree is drawn in the center and a crescent in the canton. Blue background is reminiscent of the blue used on the bands and the cantonµ of national flag. Many states also use it for this purpose (as Indiana or New York for example). The flag of South Carolina is quite unusual in American flags, because it does not directly represent the seal of the State, even if the palm comes from the latter. This is the symbol of Fort Moultrie, that resisted in 1776, on the eve of independence, the British onslaught. The Fort was built of palm wood, "Sabal Palmetto." The crescent reminds the one that decorated the South Carolina’s soldiers’ hat, who fought for independence. South Carolina joined the United States on 4 July 1777, at the Declaration of Independence, as a part of the original thirteen states that created the United States. South Carolina is known as the "Palmetto State", and its capital is Columbia.

On this website, you can download the South Carolinian flag in different sizes.

All South Carolina's flags are available in 4 different resolutions to best suit your purposes (S, M, L, XL). Click on the flag to access the download page.

Custom designs for the South Carolina's flag